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Happy New Year Anglers

Blog by: Matt Snider , CO 12/31/2023 (Return to blogs)
Happy new year everyone, here's to a great 2024! I hope your next 365 days are filled with fishing trips that'll make excellent stories for years to come, and also good times with friends, family and plenty of beautiful big fish.

Get your last picks in for the 2023 Winter Giveaway today.  We'll be meeting next week to pick winners and will announce them here in my blog soon thereafter.  Winners will also be notified by email, so keep an eye out! I hope you win something!

2024 will be a good one here at FishExplorer as plenty is in the works to revamp the platform a bit. Someday in the not-too-distant future we'll roll out changes designed to make the site better on phones and will include some new features. Basically cleaning up shop.

That's keeping me pretty busy and I haven't been getting a lot of time fishing, but hoping to get a bit of ice fishing in soon. It seems to have been a busy year for most people I know.  I hope it lets up and we can all get a bit more recreation and relaxation in.  A little window of good ice closer to home would sure be nice and make it easier to get out!

Please post some good ice fishing pics to the gallery so I, and all the others who are tied up with non-fishing things, can live vicariously through you!  And while you're at it go flip through the photos from this past year, review forum posts and reports, and give a "fins-up" for ones you enjoy or find helpful.

Again I want to thank you for your support of FishExplorer. As we approach our 18th anniversary this spring I am excited for what's to come. It wouldn't be possible without you, the reports, the stories, the photos, the research, and all else that makes FishExplorer go around. 

Get out fishing, stay safe, and celebrate the ball drop wisely tonight!

Blog content © Matt Snider
12.31.23 1:17 PM
Thank you, Sir, you are doing a super awesome job!!!! with the updates on the website. Happy new year to you and all to those who contribute.
Nomad Angler
12.31.23 1:33 PM
Thank you for everything you do for this community. Happy New Year to you and yours as well! Here's to loads of PBs in 2024!
12.31.23 10:03 PM
Thanks Matt, same to you and your family and to all in the Fish Explorer family.
01.01.24 7:57 AM
Really appreciate all your hard work for the site, Matt. Vast majority of it is unseen.
01.01.24 8:53 AM
Thank you for everything. This is an incredible website and I have met some of my better friends through Fish Explorer. Happy New Year!
01.01.24 11:52 AM
Thanks Matt. Hope everyone has a great year full of adventures.

About the Author

Matt Snider is a lifelong fly fisherman who has turned his attention to the "other species" of Colorado, namely any non-trout species. Having caught multiple warmwater species in Colorado on the fly in Colorado, Matt built FishExplorer as a means for anglers to maintain updated lake conditions, an element he finds critical in catching fish and enjoying our resources. An advocate of alternative fly fishing and fisheries preservation, Matt is an avid wiper and muskie fisherman traveling with boat in tow in pursuit of these hard-to-find fish. If a fish is willing to eat something, his bet is that it will eat a fly...

