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Win A $100,000 Bass Fishing

Blog by: David Coulson , CO 12/30/2018 (Return to blogs)
This morning I was catching up on my email, I task I've avoided that last couple weeks due to travels over Christmas.  One email from Fishing Tackle Retailer caught my eye.  Newell Brands is starting a free contest for 2019 where they'll pay out a $100,000 if you catch a world record bass using a Stanley Jig bait or Hale Lure bait.  No small task, given the record has stood for over 80 years. 

Having said that why not give it a go.  Heck it's just another excuse to go bass fishing, as if we need one. In my case, it's a given I'll not be collecting the reward as casting one of those bait with a fly rod is a bit difficult.  Besides as much as I love chasing Master Angler awards across the various states, I've never been one to chase records, in large part, due the the fact you typically have to kill the fish for it to qualify as a record.

I see this a no lose move for Newall Brands.  The worse that can happen is a number of anglers will look closer at their baits and may give them a try, especially in states like Florida, Texas, and California that have a chance of breaking the record.  The best case would be that someone does break the record using their product.  I'm rather sure that their bottom-line would jump from the sales as folks rushed out to buy their products.

The only thing that surprises me is that we don't see more of these contests.

If you interested, register at https://fishstanley.com/.  It's free, outside of needing to add a few of their baits to you already excessive collection of tackle.

Good luck and may the fish be with you.
Blog content © David Coulson
Lloyd Tackitt
12.30.18 9:59 PM
That's a pretty safe bet for them - but also an opportunity for the bass fishermen. So why not?

About the Author

To say fly fishing is a passion for Dave is an understatement, he lives by the adage, �fly fishing isn�t a matter of life or death, it�s much more important than that.� Simply, if it�s a fish, then Dave�s willing to chase it on a fly. This includes making two or three trips a year out of state to places like Alaska, Canada, East and West Coasts to fly fish for salmon, northern pike and salt water species, such as redfish. The rest of the time Dave spends his time plying Colorado waters with a fly rod for everything the state has to offer such as bass, perch, crappie, bluegill, walleye, catfish, pike and yes even trout with a fly.

