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Member Since: February 14, 2010

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  • Field Editor
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From 3 Questions.
#1 Circa 1940’s Born in Wisconsin, raised on a dairy farm, and about the time I could walk by myself, there was a spring that was used for cooling the milk, awaiting pickup by the creamery, and of course it ran out of the holding building that was built around its source, and on to the creek that went through the property. One day I noticed something very small in the tank, and ask, what is that? It was a minnow that had found its way up the stream. From then on the chase was on.
I was told that I would spend hours sitting along the stream watching the fish, and I wanted to catch one. As the story went I had fashioned a seine of sorts out of a broken window screen (where I got that idea who knows) anyway I would run up and down herding the fish to where I had my “trap”, and finally got some to stop over the it, grabbing one by its tail, I ran to the house, screaming “I caught a fishy, I caught a fishy” LOL, it was a tadpole. -( Ok from there, it was back to the creek, in my observations I notice a big bad bully (brown trout) would chase other fish in a pool, and eat them. There was a stock pond not far away, and I ask if I could move some of the smaller ones to it, away from the bully (that was to smart to be caught by me) Thus I always had a go to place to catch fish. As I was the youngest, and to small to work the fields, I was left to doing just that, supplying the family with fresh fish from time to time.

Fast forward to my teenage years, most of which was the west coast, with short stops in Colorado, and other states as my folks moved west in search of employment. I would spend the summers at times with only a hand line to fish the rivers, one day I snagged a real fishing pole, complete with a reel, (ocean city I believe) cleaned it up and was a terror to any fish that got in my way. I was sent to live with an older brother one summer in Washington State, and got introduced to fly fishing by him and his Father-In-Law, Bill Delaney whom was an expert with a fly rod. One trip the fish were not taking any fly’s that I had, Bill was quick to recognize they were feeding on a hatch, he sat down and tied a very tiny white dry fly, put it on my leader and told me to cast to the opposite bank, which was just what a 5 pound bow wanted, it was released btw, Because Bill explained to me it had not laid its eggs yet. Needless to say, I was the one that was hooked. From there it was many bouts with my favorite targets the Steelhead. *Note, good thing I was young and fleet of foot then.

#2 Returning to Wisconsin, and getting hired at the Janesville General Motors Assembly plant.
Having been elected, a union official (UAW Local 121, later to become Local 95). Establishing a 5,000 member, Rod and Gun Club, as its founding President. Some of its activities, included but not limited to, was raising funds to establish yearly scholarships, to Stevens Point Environmental College. Contests for its members, that included, not only, for the members but, divisions for the family’s ‘With “CPR” and witness statement. I learned a lot from those members.
In short, being able to take advantage of the time off, during change over’s from one model to the next years to fish all over this great country of ours. And for me, marvel at some of the natural beauty, and tranquil places, as well as friendly faces along the way.

#3 from using the most primitive “tip ups” (two sticks tied together) hand line’s (caveman style) natural baits, to lures (hand made of course) from fly fishing bamboo antique rods and reels, to the new creations available today. The use of some of the electronics that have PRICES out of sight LOL.

