Member Since: November 2, 2015
All-time Points: 1,740
2025 Points: 60
Total Reports: 50
Forum Posts: 12
(3 threads started, 9 replies)
Retired from multiple careers - too many to mention, though generally a small business owner as well as a computer business software analyst/designer/programmer for major corporations. Native of San Antonio, TX (rare breed) and now live in the hill country north of San Antonio. Spent many summers and weekends on Lake McQueeny near Seguin, TX where my family had a small cabin. My father was an avid outdoorsman. We often hunted and fished together. Since his death, I've not done much of either, though now that I've retired I've started fishing again. Sure are a lot of changes - lures, tackle, electronics, etc. that I'm having to learn about. But, hey, when I stop learning I'll be dead!
I believe in change - both in instigating it and accepting good change. I was born in 1941, before Pearl Harbor. So, it is surprising to some that I am willing, even eager, to engage with change. Life is about learning and learning is about progress and progress requires change. For me, getting stuck in a rut would be like living in a grave. No fun!
I'd love to get to know other anglers and go fishing with someone from time to time.