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What boat to use in Pond with Stumps

Post By: LCS      Posted: 9/26/2024 10:12:32 PM     Points: 5    
I am trying to figure out if it is safe to use an electric or motorized boat in a pond on a personal property.

- The pond is perhaps ~200ft long x ~200ft wide
- 3-4ft deep at the deepest point when the water is low, and
- about 5.5ft-6ft deep at most when the water is high

(1) Would it be safe to use a boat like a CraigCat (
>> What speed would you recommend?

(2) Or what type of boat makes sense to use?

(3) There are 4 Oak Tree Stumps, which are:

- approx. 1ft above water line when the water is low, and
- approx. 1-2ft below water when the water is high
- They are all located inside the pond (some 15ft off shore, some 50ft off shore)

>> Do you think these may cause an issue?
>> Would it be necessary to mark them?
 Reply by: Pinch      Posted: Oct. 1, 5:32:30 PM     Points: 605
I don't think you would have to worry about the stump's chances are you won't be going that fast. You could always mark them if your too worried about hitting one of them.
