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Texas Fish Species

Alligator Gar
American Eel
Atlantic Croaker
Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
Bigmouth Buffalo
Black Buffalo
Black Bullhead
Black Crappie
Black Drum
Blackstripe Topminnow
Blacktail Shiner
Blue Catfish
Blue Tilapia
Chain Pickerel
Channel Catfish
Common Carp
Flathead Catfish
Freshwater Drum
Gizzard Shad
Golden Shiner
Grass Carp
Gray Redhorse
Green Sunfish
Guadalupe Bass
Hybrid Striped Bass(wiper/palmetto)
Inland Silverside
Lake Chubsucker
Largemouth Bass
Longear Sunfish
Longnose Gar
Longnose Sucker
Northern Pike
Orangespotted Sunfish
Rainbow Trout
Red Drum
Red-bellied Pacu
Redbreast Sunfish
Redear Sunfish
Redfin Pickerel
Redspotted Sunfish
Rio Grande Cichlid
River Carpsucker
Rock Bass
Shortnose Gar
Smallmouth Bass
Smallmouth Buffalo
Spotted Bass
Spotted Gar
Spotted Sucker
Spotted Sunfish
Striped Bass
Striped Mullet
Suckermouth Catfish
Sunfish (Bream)
Threadfin Shad
White Bass
White Crappie
Yellow Bass
Yellow Bullhead

Lakes with Striped Mullet on FishExplorer
Striped Mullet

Striped Mullet in Texas


Adults grow to a length of 9 to 19.5 inches (35 to 50 cm). Immature mullet are 3 to 8 inches (7.6 to 17.8 cm) long. Distinguishing characteristics include an irregularly round, silvery body, dark bluish green back and dark longitudinal stripes on the sides, and a small mouth.

Life History

The striped mullet's diet includes zooplankton, benthic (bottom-dwelling) organisms and detritus (dead plants and animals), and small invertebrates. Larger fish, turtles, water snakes, and wading birds prey on mullet. They reach sexual maturity in three years. Mating season lasts from late October to December for Texas species. Mature adults leave the bays, collect in large schools, and migrate offshore to mate.

During spawning season, females scatter one to seven million round eggs on the bottom. Eggs are not guarded by adults. After an incubation period of 36 to 50 hours, depending on water temperature, the young mullet hatch. Of millions of eggs spawned in offshore waters, most are eaten by other species. Juveniles return to coastal locations to mature after they have reached 15 to 32 mm long. Their lifespan is seven years for males and eight years for females, with a probable average lifespan of five years. The oldest striped mullet on record is one that lived 13 years.

Striped mullet tend to school (swim together in groups) for protection from predators in the daylight hours, although they feed around the clock. Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama harvest many tons of mullet for commercial use. The roe (eggs) are harvested and shipped to markets in Asia, where they are considered a delicacy.


Striped mullet are found in highly salty to fresh waters that are warm or temperate (8° to 24° C). They spend a great deal of time close to shore around the mouths of streams and rivers or in brackish bays, inlets and lagoons with sand or mud bottoms.


Striped mullet is common worldwide in warm to temperate coastal waters.


Striped mullet can often be seen in coastal waters, jumping to evade predators. Because they are one of the most common prey items of other commercially important coastal fish such as spotted seatrout, people often use them as bait. In Florida, striped mullet can be found on the menus of many restaurants, but in the western Gulf of Mexico (Texas and Louisiana waters), they take on an oily taste and are generally not eaten. Instead, mullet are harvested for use as a bait fish. Striped mullet are also widely cultivated in freshwater ponds in Southeast Asia where they are marketed fresh, dried, salted, and frozen. They are a very important commercial species in many parts of the world.

Courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife

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Striped Mullet Articles, Blogs, & Podcasts
Blog: Boomerang Tool Co. Grip 11.07.12 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: 4 Apps Every Angler With A Smartphone Should Use 02.09.12 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: Clouser Pattern Detailed - New Article 12.16.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: Become a pro 09.30.11 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: Launches California 09.27.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: California now on 09.23.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: California 09.23.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: Welcome to California 09.23.11 by Joshua Christensen
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