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Texas Fish Species: Common Carp

Common Carp
Photo: Photo provided by David Coulson, Colorado State Editor, FishExplorer.com
The lowly carp. The freshwater bonefish. The freshwater redfish.  You choose. This commonly frowned-upon fish is gaining more and more prominence as a gamefish with the advent of fly-fishers popularizing the flats-style approaches akin to Bonefishing in tropical climates.

This hard-fighting and massive-bodied fish has more than likely given many of you a lesson in proper drag setting after grabbing your panfish hook and taking off to who-knows-where with it. The carp is still largely considered a nuisance fish not wanted in our lakes. It is often wrongly assumed the fish is a bottom-feeding, swimming garbage can.

You can catch carp with several baits including nymph flies, spinners, and streamers. Carp are some of the most hardy fish which makes them a prime target in the coldest and hottest weather. They will actively feed in the early spring, late fall, and warm winters.

We are pulling for you, carp. We hope you gain the acceptance you've warranted for so many years.

See Barry Reynold's, Brad Befus', and John Berryman's book on catching carp on the fly, "Carp on the Fly: A Flyfishing Guide."

Common Carp in Texas

Cyprinus is Greek, and carpio is Latin; both words mean "carp." The common carp is a heavy-bodied minnow with barbels on either side of the upper jaw. Typically, color varies from brassy green or yellow, to golden brown, or even silvery. The belly is usually yellowish-white. The dorsal fin with 17-21 rays, and the anal fin both have a heavy toothed spine. Individuals 12-25 inches in length and weighing up to 8-10 pounds are common, although they can grow much larger. Common carp may live in excess of 47 years and weigh over 75 pounds. The all-tackle world record was landed in 1987 from Lac de St. Cassien, France, and weighed in at 75 pounds 11 ounces.
Life History
Although carp are generally considered a nuisance by North American anglers, they are highly prized as sportfish in Europe, as they are often excellent fighters. A growing number of anglers in the US are becoming interested in carp as a sportfish. Although flavor varies with the quality of the water from which fish were captured, their sheer abundance has made them an important food fish in some areas.
Although carp are generally considered a nuisance by North American anglers, they are highly prized as sportfish in Europe, as they are often excellent fighters. A growing number of anglers in the US are becoming interested in carp as a sportfish. Although flavor varies with the quality of the water from which fish were captured, their sheer abundance has made them an important food fish in some areas. The Texas rod-and-reel record is currently 43.13 pounds. The North American record exceeds 57 pounds.

Courtesy of Texas Parks and Wildlife

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