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Texas Fishing Clubs: Heart of Texas Bass Anglers

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Heart of Texas Bass Anglers

The Heart of Texas Bass Anglers, formed in 1974, meet the first and third Monday of each month, 7:00pm at Fire Station #8 in Killeen, Texas (7252 E. Trimmier Rd.) We try to fish six home water tournaments, and six away tournaments each year. The home lakes we fish most often are Stillhouse, Belton, Waco, LBJ and Austin. Away lakes are Sam Rayburn Fork, Amisted, Falcon and OH Ivie. We try to keep the cost of away trips to a minimum by getting special deals on places to stay, some as low as $15.00 a night.

The club is active in several areas of the community, such as Fishing for Freedom, high school sponsored fishing for scholarships and Boy Scouts of America to name just a few.

Our active club roster entails approximately 25 members at any given time however, we are currently conducting a membership drive, and our membership has grown significantly, with several prospective members. We are always open to new members, boaters as well as non-boaters, and our club meets the first and third Monday of each month with the exception of July and August we only meet the first Monday of the month. The monthly dues are only $10.00 a month and tournaments that you wish to fish are $20.00. Our meeting are held at the City of Killeen, Fire Station #8. All meetings start at 7:00pm and last about an hours.
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