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Winners of the 2024 FishExplorer Winter Giveaway

Blog by: Matt Snider , CO 1/8/2025 (Return to blogs)
Part of Series: Winter Giveaway
Another FishExplorer Winter Giveaway has come and gone!  We have sent emails out to the winners and are awaiting confirmation from all.  Below is a list of the winners' nicknames listed alphabetically.  If you are on this list, please check for an email notification from me. If you do not see it, please check any junk folders or settings.  Emails are delivered to the address we have on record for your account. 

If you are not in this list, I hope you win next time! Thank you all again for your support and involvement, here's to a great 2025!

Winners in the 2024 FishExplorer Winter Giveaway:
alanlf5280, anglerwannabe, Banzai Jimmy, bluecreek, Bronco8783, brooksey, BuffsnRox, Captain Mike, ColoradoRay, daj2783, ebs, Fatboy2003, fishingjoe13, fishingmanlee, Fish-On-Son!, fishrmurri, fishwest, FloatTubeGuy, FlyzXtrem e, GingerLife, Hawaiian Punch, HeavyC, HOGSSDEN, illusivenick, jake3008, jibber, jig head, just wanna catch, KAK, Kithme, mikejj, mxtsinclair, OG Fish, rgwaldron, rljb1, rmontgomery84, ronco, RPG, Ryanrox, Santiago84, Silent Dave, Steve75, Tbubb, thattomguy, Tyman78, Wounded Woodpecker, xavierk31

Lake John Resort - WG 2024 Partner
Blog content © Matt Snider
01.08 3:42 PM
Thank you, Matt, for running the giveaway! Congrats to all the winners. Tight lines and be safe on the ice!
01.08 3:55 PM
Thank you Matt and all the partners! Congrats everyone!!
01.08 4:22 PM
Thank you for doing this every year. I love this page.
01.08 5:16 PM
Thank you Matt and thank you partners for the Winter Giveaway. WOOO HOOO, I won the Elkhorn Fly Rod AMP Series 9ft 8wt.
01.08 5:59 PM
Great Giveaway this year! Thank you Matt and all the partners!
01.08 6:49 PM
Thank you Matt! And thank you to all of the partners! It's awesome you do this every year for us members.
01.08 8:22 PM
Congrats to the winners and thanks for another winter giveaway!
01.08 8:41 PM
Congrats to all the winners!! Thank you for organizing this every year Matt!
01.08 9:12 PM
Thanks Matt and thanks to all the partners.
01.08 10:11 PM
Thank you Matt and all of our sponsors. Appreciate the opportunity. I won Dynamic Lures and know from experience how good their gear works.
Banzai Jimmy
01.09 7:38 AM
Really enjoy this each year. Thank you to all who help with this and support it. I feel fortunate to have won this year. Now to keep those report rolling in to have a stack of points for next giveaway!
01.09 9:55 AM
Thank you for doing this. It is a ton of fun, I look forward to it every year. A great site, where I've met some amazing people.
01.09 10:14 AM
Thanks Matt! Always so much fun to participate in this and the prizes are excellent every year. Well done!
jig head
01.09 6:26 PM
Thanks for doing the winter giveaway every year! I was lucky enough to win the Mystery Box this year!
01.11 10:34 AM
Thank you again Matt for a great giveaway!
01.11 4:38 PM
Matt thank you as always. I'm sure it's a lot of work. I won the Simms Jacket, can't wait to try it out on the water!
just wanna catch
01.18 7:55 PM
Thank you for opportunity to win such a great variety of prizes.

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About the Author

Matt Snider is a lifelong fly fisherman who has turned his attention to the "other species" of Colorado, namely any non-trout species. Having caught multiple warmwater species in Colorado on the fly in Colorado, Matt built FishExplorer as a means for anglers to maintain updated lake conditions, an element he finds critical in catching fish and enjoying our resources. An advocate of alternative fly fishing and fisheries preservation, Matt is an avid wiper and muskie fisherman traveling with boat in tow in pursuit of these hard-to-find fish. If a fish is willing to eat something, his bet is that it will eat a fly...

