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Guess the Weight

Blog by: Lloyd Tackitt 7/24/2016 (Return to blogs)
I caught a bluegill, a large one from the way it was fighting.  About half way to me and a bass attacked it, spit it out, came back and took it again.  I rared back and the hook set in the bass's lip.  We had a pretty good fight on the 9' 6wt fly fod.

From the top of the cork to the rod but is 10.5", the reel is 2.75" across.  Can you figure out the weight from that?  I don't have a scale, and don't want to say what I thought it weighed yet, don't want to skew any results.

Guess the weight!
Blog content © Lloyd Tackitt
07.24.16 5:13 PM
Nice catch. I'd say close to 8 lbs.
07.25.16 10:44 AM
I'd be willing to say a good solid 3 1/2 to 4lbs. I had a 19" that went 4.8, and yours looks to be between 15-16"
07.25.16 11:50 AM
I copied your picture into paint and measured the fish with lines the same length as the top of the cork to the rod butt. Two 10.5 inch lines went past the length of the fish so we know it's under 21 inches. Then I used the 2.75 inch reel to come up with a smaller line to subtract the length the 2 original lines went over. Your fish is approximately 19.75 inches long. I would guess it weighs around 4 pounds
Sean D
07.25.16 2:54 PM
I'd call that a 4.5 or so. It's over 18" long and it's pretty thick.
Lloyd Tackitt (author, aka Lloyd Tackitt)
07.25.16 3:51 PM
If it is 19.75 inches long and has a girth of say 16" then it should weigh between 5 and 6 pounds per the length to weigh system here: http://legacy.myfwc.com/fish/ It seemed to me to be around 8 lbs when I picked it up out of the water. I think the girth was probably more like 18 inches, it was a thick fish and it appears to be about 6 inches "tall", so it would be 12 inches plus 3" width times two. That would put it in the 6 to 8 lb range per the calculator. Maybe.
Salmon Slayer
07.25.16 4:18 PM
3.75 pounds
07.25.16 5:35 PM
My guess would be just under 6
07.25.16 11:05 PM
All I can say is, great bass for a fly rod... Congrats. Awesome fish.
07.26.16 9:08 AM
Unless it's just the picture (which it could be), big head in proportion to the body, so an old fish. Thick, but quickly tapers to the tail. I'd say 5 or so..
Dave Mauldin
07.26.16 2:04 PM
The only way is to weigh.
Lloyd Tackitt (author, aka Lloyd Tackitt)
07.27.16 8:36 AM
It's a normal shaped bass, just looks weird in the photo. Maybe because I was standing up and zoomed in to fill the frame? Don't really know, not much of a photographer. Anyone have a recommendation for a small portable and accurate fish scale?

About the Author

I live on the edge of the Brazos River. I walk out my front door and into the river and - boom - I am fishing just like that. For me the river is fascinating. The mile long stretch I fish is a microcosm of the river, I have it all in that one mile. Trying to figure out where the fish are, what they are doing, why they are doing it, what they are biting, if they are biting - this is what keeps me in the river casting flys. I fly fish almost exclusively. It isn’t that I am a fly fishing snob, it’s that fly fishing works – it’s effective - and it has added benefits. I carry all my tackle in a vest, no tackle box needs to be dragged along. The casting itself is fun, even when I don’t catch fish I’ve enjoyed the experience of casting. Fly rods enhance the experience of bringing fish in. I like the hands on the line feel instead of the feel of line spooling up on a reel and muted down through a gear and crank system. Fish fight better and feel better on a fly rod. Fly fishing just feels better to me than other methods.

