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Cold & Breezy, But Well Worth It

Guest Blog by: Amy Block aka "Reel FisherGirl" - Guest Blogger
12/12/2011 (Return to blogs)

Happy Monday Texas! 

Despite the cooler weather and breezy conditions this past weekend, I hope you all were able to get outside and do some fishing!  I was fortunate enough to do so and all I can say is Winter Fishing is Prime Time!  Most people think Winter Fishing doesn't produce what Summer Fishing does, but it's all that plus more! It's my favorite time of year to fish (despite the cooler temps), since most people are hunting and the Redfish are hungry! 

While I do fish the gulf coast in TX, I do venture off to LA and fish Big Lake as well.  It was a Big Lake weekend on Saturday.  "Fish On" was the motto of the day.  We have a few spots we have been itching to try out since the water has cooled off quite a bit, and depsite the solid 20mph plus winds, and cooler temps.,  our spot proved excellent!  We had our limit of Redfish in 30 mins. or less.  We had a few on-lookers watching our "team work"; one person would get on the front of the boat, cast, hook up  as soon as the line hit the water, and than move to the back of the boat allowing the other two anglers on the boat to follow the same routine.....It was truly team work at its finest!  The two biggest Redfish were 28.5" and 28" the other fish not far behind.  Not only were they fresh sea run, golden/ bright orange bulls, but they were Heavy!  When we had reached our limit of Reds, we gave our "honey hole" up to the anxious on-looking anglers.  They were very grateful, and said "we had made it look way too easy!"

Winter Fishing at it's Finest and it only gets better!

Cooler of Reds 12/10/11. Winter Fishing :)
28.5" and 28" Bull Reds! 12/10/11
Amy Block is an avid “fisher girl” on the Gulf Coast. Growing up on the water, her love for fishing originated. Currently, she fishes three – four weekends of the month year-round and assists as a “first mate” with taking guests on trips. Her love for the sport makes for a successful day on the water! “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles”. ~Doug Larson
Blog content © Amy Block

About the Author

Amy Block"Reel FisherGirl" - Guest Blogger

Amy Block is an avid “fisher girl” on the Gulf Coast. Growing up on the water, her love for fishing originated. Currently, she fishes three – four weekends of the month year-round and assists as a “first mate” with taking guests on trips. Her love for the sport makes for a successful day on the water! “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles”. ~Doug Larson

