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A Big Hello from H-Town, Texas

Guest Blog by: Amy Block aka "Reel FisherGirl" - Guest Blogger
12/2/2011 (Return to blogs)
Well, Howdy Y’all!  A big welcome from H-Town Texas!

My name is Amy Block, and I would like to say a Big Thank You for taking the time to get to know me!  A little about me in a nut shell….. I Love the outdoor lifestyle!  Who wouldn’t care for nice pretty days on the water? Well… I suppose I could name a few, but ultimately, there are few and far between.  I was born in Plano, Texas, but grew up in Houston; I guess I consider myself a “Native Houstonian”.  I am one of the few avid “Fisher Girls” in the Lone Star State who fish along the Gulf Coast that actually pay attention to tides, moon phases, weather, all the needed conditions,  to have a successful fishing trip! I grew up in the saltwater; it’s in my blood. 

My grandparents live in Rockport, Texas “the charm of the Texas coast”.  From age five, I used to visit their home every summer for at least a month, and my grandfather would take me fishing at least a couple times out of the month.  I remember waking up early to the smell of homemade biscuits, white gravy, eggs, bacon, and coffee.  My grandfather used to tell me it was a “Cowboy Breakfast, and we couldn’t go fishing until I finished mine”.  So, with the anticipation of the saltwater, I would scarf down my Cowboy Breakfast and we would be on our way!  With old country music tapes playing in his Ford truck, and the CB Radio on, we were on our way to the saltwater for a great couple of hours in store.  After we visited the bait store and got our shrimp, (my favorite thing to do was look in the live tanks to see what other sort of sea creatures would be mixed in with the shrimp) we were off to the Fulton Beach Marina.  

For years and years my grandfather took me fishing, and I had caught more fish than most by age 10, but my “Big Catch” stands out greatest in my mind.  One summer morning, my Ugly Stick in hand, shrimp on the bottom, my line took off! I remember almost being pulled out of the center console boat; thank goodness I had a life jacket on!   The drag on the Ugly Stick fishing pole was squealing; I had a giant on the end of my line! I was so ecstatic that I had caught this huge “fish of a lifetime” and it was nowhere ready to be reeled in.  I remember my grandfather kept encouraging me, “he’ll get tired, he’ll get tired, you’re doing great”, but I  recall feeling so exhausted, and saying to him “papa help, I can’t reel him in he’s too big”, but he laughed and refused.  He was not helping me reel my giant in. 

After twenty minutes, and luckily a hook still in his mouth, I had got the bull redfish to the boat.  Exhausted, for an 8 year old, I was in amazement, and so was my papa.  I had reeled in my biggest fish yet….26 ¾” Bull Red (which currently I am proud to say my Biggest Redfish Record has been beaten)!  I was so proud and wore my smile for days.  When the day concluded, I remember I couldn’t stop opening the ice chest to gaze at my giant.  I had reeled that in all by myself! 

When we returned home to my grandparent’s house we strung the Bull Red on a stringer and took numerous pictures.  I remember the fish was too heavy for me to hold by myself, so my grandmother held up one end of the stringer from their porch, and I held onto the fish as if I was holding it up all by myself.   I carried that redfish picture with me in my purse for years and years and bragged about it to anyone I would meet. 

To this day, my grandpa will tell everyone he meets that redfish story from so long ago at least once.  It is a cherished memory he hold dear as well as I.  Currently, I couldn’t be more blessed to remain exposed to such a wonderful outdoor lifestyle. I am so fortunate to be able to keep up with the fishing lifestyle (fresh water, salt waters, offshore, all of it) three - four weekends out of the month year round (and yes even in the winter).  Memories of a lifetime are truly made on the water and I’ve got plenty!   All it takes is that one squeal of the drag on your line to get you “Hooked”.
Amy Block is an avid “fisher girl” on the Gulf Coast. Growing up on the water, her love for fishing originated. Currently, she fishes three – four weekends of the month year-round and assists as a “first mate” with taking guests on trips. Her love for the sport makes for a successful day on the water! “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles”. ~Doug Larson
Blog content © Amy Block

About the Author

Amy Block"Reel FisherGirl" - Guest Blogger

Amy Block is an avid “fisher girl” on the Gulf Coast. Growing up on the water, her love for fishing originated. Currently, she fishes three – four weekends of the month year-round and assists as a “first mate” with taking guests on trips. Her love for the sport makes for a successful day on the water! “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles”. ~Doug Larson

