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FishExplorer.com Launches California

Blog by: Matt Snider , CO 9/27/2011 (Return to blogs)
Greetings to all, I just wanted to make a quick official announcement that we have now added California to our growing FishExplorer.com family.  We've started with just over 50 lakes in the state and launch with long-time Fish Explorer member and supporter Joshua Christensen as the State Editor.  Joshua, a U.S. Army veteran returns to his home town of San Diego to ignite a great fishing resource in the Golden State.

If you have family and friends on the west coast, shoot them an email and let them know about FishExplorer.com California.  Now that the foundation is built, just like in Texas and Florida, we need avid anglers to join the community and help take charge of the conditions reports across the state.

Good fishing!
Blog content © Matt Snider

About the Author

Matt Snider is a lifelong fly fisherman who has turned his attention to the "other species" of Colorado, namely any non-trout species. Having caught multiple warmwater species in Colorado on the fly in Colorado, Matt built FishExplorer as a means for anglers to maintain updated lake conditions, an element he finds critical in catching fish and enjoying our resources. An advocate of alternative fly fishing and fisheries preservation, Matt is an avid wiper and muskie fisherman traveling with boat in tow in pursuit of these hard-to-find fish. If a fish is willing to eat something, his bet is that it will eat a fly...

