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FishExplorer is an angler-owned, angler-managed, angler-produced project with a perpetual goal to offer the best, most thorough, and most up-to-date fishing resource in the state under one roof. Not limited by a specific species or fishing technique, we are all about fishing for the love of fishing. FishExplorer is the place to share that. You can help by:
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Old Age is delaying my fishing 04.22.17 (2 replies)
In case you miss me 11.10.16 (0 replies)
Night Fishing Lights 10.19.16 (0 replies)
FxR+ New Feature 02.16.16 (0 replies)
quick howdy from Atlanta 03.20.22 (0 replies)
granger catfish 11.20.21 (1 replies)
New to Granger Lake 08.13.21 (0 replies)
My New Toon 07.15.21 (1 replies)
Galveston Fishing Charters 05.12.21 (0 replies)
Check out these blue cats. 03.11.21 (1 replies)
3 Big Baits Help 03.01.21 (2 replies)
Recent Conditions Reports
Brazos River (Lk Whitney to Waco) by: Lloyd Tackitt
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by VDubBabydoll - by VDubBabydoll - Caught with minnow on Shakespeare 5’ pole and Shimano reel at Cedar Mills Marinaby Naturaljack - by Naturaljack - Long nose  gar over 6 ft  caught on the neches river above the salt barrier.  Twice the size of TX state record .by - 10 lbs. On slabby rebelsportsmanl - by Lloyd Tackitt - by seang - by seang - Middle Bosque at Lake Wacoby anglerwannabe - by anglerwannabe - by rebelsportsmanl - 18`` trout at eagle nest lake, NMby rebelsportsmanl - this is broken bow ok.,  but not to far out of texas.  the trout fishing was pretty rebelsportsmanl - richland chambers hybridby anglerwannabe - by anglerwannabe -
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