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FishExplorer Conditions Reports and Catalog Updates

Why Conditions Reports?

We understand the challenges of sharing fishing information in the age of social media and influencers. Oversharing can lead to increased pressure on our fisheries. At FishExplorer, we aim to strike a balance between helping anglers and preserving the integrity of our fishing spots.

FishExplorer's Approach:
  • Conditions Reports: We focus on measurable and observable factors to help you plan fishing trips effectively.
  • Diverse Fisheries: We showcase a wide variety of fishing locations to encourage exploration beyond the usual spots.
  • Extensive Species List: We provide information on numerous gamefish species to promote diverse fishing experiences.
  • Discovery-Oriented: Instead of highlighting specific spots, we empower anglers to discover their own fishing paths.
  • State-Specific: The FishExplorer catalog is divided by states to prioritize regional focus and local community.
We believe each and every fishing trip is a rewarding puzzle. Conditions reports provide pieces to help you solve it.

By emphasizing these aspects, FishExplorer aims to foster a responsible fishing community that shares valuable information while preserving the excitement and sustainability of the sport.

What are Conditions Reports?

Conditions reports differ from fishing reports in that they focus more on data and observations rather than on what was caught or not, how that was done, and where exactly one was fishing.

The most important information we track for the fisheries includes observable data such as water temperatures, water levels, and status.

These factors tell a story about what you can expect on your fishing trip.
  • Water temperatures provide insights on how the fish are behaving, what season they may be relating to, and what sort of trends are driving their eating habits.
  • Water levels go a long way to explaining whether you can launch a boat or not, if a river is too high or low to be fishable, or whether certain structure or obstacles may be exposed.
  • Status simply designates the current state of a body of water. In addition, any other observations that will help future anglers are welcome - such as water clarity, area travel conditions, forage base observances, etc.
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About Lake Temperatures

Measure the average lake surface temperature (down to about 12") in degrees Fahrenheit. Readings should preferably be taken in open water as opposed to shallow or stagnant water, and normalized if possible for noon, to provide a proper reflection of the lake as a whole. You may elaborate on water temps in the additional conditions box such as where and when the measurements were taken.

About Lake Levels

Report a measurement of how many feet low or high the water level is from high-water mark. If a gage is available at the lake or online , use a reading from it. Lake level fluctuation can impact fish in numerous ways, so being able to track whether a lake is rising or falling can benefit your fishing success in as many. Please note in the additional conditions box if any boat ramps are affected by the water levels.

About River Flows/Status

River flows are typically expressed in cfs, which we integrate automatically wherever possible. However, sometimes this doesn't tell the whole story and sometimes the data simply does not match actual fishing conditions. Therefore, when you submit a river report, please share what the flows were like. Choose from the available options. On larger rivers that don't fluctuate as much this may not be as critical, but for the smaller streams a high, low, or muddy river can make or break a fishing trip.

About River Temperatures

Especially important for smaller trout streams, river water temperatures can both help you determine if the fish will be active and whether it is safe for the fish. High water temperatures (generally approaching or above 70 degrees) for example, can be lethal to many trout species if they are caught and released. For larger and warmwater-species rivers, water temperatures can provide good data to an angler about what the fish are doing in any given season.

Additional Conditions & Observations

Expand on any information you want to explain beyond the others noted. Please enter dates if information is time-sensitive. Short, non-descriptive or non-helpful reports may be discarded. The list of items below is a checklist to spur your thoughts.

Some factors to consider:
  • Water clarity
  • Wind & weather
  • Boat ramp conditions
  • Ice conditions
  • Range of water temperatures
  • Types of cover/structure fished
  • Depths fished
  • Techniques/equipment used
  • Times of day fished
  • Water surface activity
  • General concept of where fish were located
  • Forage base observations
  • Aquatic vegetation & Algae
  • Bird/animal activity
  • Insect hatches
  • Hazards
  • Nearby road/trail conditions
  • Campground information

How do I submit an update?

Lake and river updates are the primary focus of FishExplorer as they are the most frequently changing aspect of our fisheries, and perhaps the most important as we plan or embark on a trip.

You may post an update using links on any lake or river detail page, or visiting the lake or river forms directly and choosing the body of water on those pages.

When you submit a conditions report it goes into a queue where an editor will review it prior to posting it live. If you would like to take a more pivotal role in FishExplorer, join our Field Editor team. As a Field Editor you will be responsible for keeping at least one body of water up to date and reviewing incoming reports for approval. To join, fill out the application form here.

No need to include...

Here are some things you probably should not include in your reports:
  • GPS coordinates of your spots
  • Questions
  • Complaints & gripes
  • Things that have nothing to do with fishing
  • Song lyrics
  • Requests to update the lake/river

Get Involved

  • Become a Regional Editor:
    Regional editors oversee a section of the state, all the lakes and rivers within it, and the Field Editors assigned. Regional Editors are also active in recruiting Field Editors for the waters in their region. See where we need Regional Editors
  • Become a Field Editor:
    Field Editors claim at least one lake or river to keep up to date. Apply to be a Field Editor
  • Reports Editor:
    A FishExplorer Reports Editor oversees all the updates and Regional and Field Editors in a state. Contact us
  • Calendar Editor:
    Help keep the fishing events calendar up to date. Contact us
  • News Editor:
    Help keep the fishing news posts rolling. Contact us
  • Moderator:
    Help maintain a positive and effective community on FishExplorer. Contact us

Lake & River Catalog Updates

What other contributions are needed?

Our fishing catalog can become quite extensive for any given state, and that requires a community of like-minded individuals to maintain it. Every year things change for numerous places we fish - new rules and regulations, changed fees, different access, etc.

If you ever see any of the pages on FishExplorer that have any inaccurate information, please contact us so we can correct it. Any accepted changes may be rewarded with points.

Any time you have good photographs of fish caught or fishery features, share it with us for display in the FishExplorer Photo Gallery. This is another great way to provide information about the property.
