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About FishExplorer

FishExplorer is angler-owned and produced, and community-managed. This is a project with a perpetual goal to maintain the most comprehensive and up-to-date fishing resource in the state under one roof. We are all about fishing for the love of fishing and sharing that, no matter your experience level.

Our effort to produce and maintain a quality fishing resource takes a team. It is not just us, it involves you too. If you love fishing please join us!

The FishExplorer state management team consists of:
  • Regional Editors who oversee a portion of the state
  • Field Editors who oversee a specific lake or river
  • Reports Editor who oversees reports and editors for the state
  • Content Editors who oversee portions of the state's content
These volunteer editors all chip in to keep tabs on fishery conditions and general information, as well as the news and events that are continuously generated. If you are interested in joining the team and have a love for fishing, we would love to have you involved.

To apply to become a Field Editor for a lake or river near you, submit this form. For any other position, please contact us.

Matt Snider

Executive Editor

The concept of Fish Explorer emerged in 2004 when I got my first boat and couldn't find a list of lakes showing where I could launch it. I wanted to fly fish for wiper and hunt tiger muskie, but couldn't find a map showing which lakes had them. And if I was going to travel hours to get to a lake, I had very few options if any to determine whether the lake was full enough to launch, or warm enough to find active fish.

After gathering data through many phone calls, emails, and meetings, I had the idea to put all this information in one place for everyone. This core concept of mapping lakes, cross-referencing fish species, and maintaining current conditions culminated in the FishExplorer.com platform.

Over the years, with the help of many many people, the website has grown to be a feature-rich, hyper-local resource that is an indispensable tool when exploring the numerous fisheries available to us, enlisting local experts and giving previously unheard voices a chance to share their love of fishing.

I hope you enjoy FishExplorer.com as much as I've enjoyed building and nurturing it. Remember that our resources are shared among all, and that we all share the responsibility to take care of them.

See you on the water!
- Matt

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Regional Editors

No Regional Editors assigned for Massachusetts

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Fish Explorer Massachusetts Administrators

Contact us if you would like to help out!
No admins assigned for Massachusetts

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Fish Explorer Massachusetts Bloggers

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FishExplorer Massachusetts Field Editors

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FishExplorer Field Editors are a group committed to maintaining current conditions and information among the various bodies of water we feature on the website.They apply their knowledge of a body of water to post reports and and review submissions by other members. Please submit lake and river updates whenever you get out on the water.
