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Florida Fishing
Florida Fishing  
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Florida Fish Species

Alligator Gar
American Eel
American Shad
Atlantic Croaker
Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
Black Bullhead
Black Crappie
Black Drum
Blue Catfish
Blue Tilapia
Brown Bullhead
Brown Hoplo
Chain Pickerel
Channel Catfish
Clown Knifefish
Common Carp
Flathead Catfish
Florida Gar
Gizzard Shad
Golden Shiner
Grass Carp
Green Sunfish
Hybrid Striped Bass(wiper/palmetto)
Inland Silverside
Lake Chubsucker
Largemouth Bass
Longnose Gar
Longnose Sucker
Mayan Cichlid
Mozambique Tilapia
Peacock Bass
Red Drum
Redbreast Sunfish
Redear Sunfish
Redfin Pickerel
Redspotted Sunfish
Shoal Bass
Spotted Bass
Spotted Sunfish
Spotted Tilapia
Striped Bass
Striped Mullet
Suckermouth Catfish
Sunfish (Bream)
Suwannee Bass
Threadfin Shad
White Bass
White Catfish
Yellow Bullhead

Lakes with Lake Chubsucker on FishExplorer
Lake Chubsucker
Lake Chubsucker’s range is drainages along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts from eastern Texas, to Virginia and the Mississippi drainages. These smallish suckers, generally less than a foot, prefer clear lakes and slow moving rivers.  They do best in waters with soft bottom, dense aquatic vegetation, and organic debris. Live expectancy is about eight years.

Lake Chubsuckers are dark greenish or brownish colors on the back, fading down the sides to a silvery white belly.  Scale margins have a black outline producing a cross-hatched appearance on the sides. Young fish have a black horizontal that becomes faint or absent in large individuals.  Body is moderately deep and as with most suckers, the mouth is subterminal.

Chubsuckers spawn when temperatures get in the upper sixties.  Spawning takes place in small tributary streams. Females deposit upwards of 20,000 eggs. Eggs are adhesive, setting to the bottom where they attach t submerged items.  They hatch in less than a week.

Lake Chubsuckers are bottom feeders and omnivores.  Their diet is mostly insect larvae, aquatic plants, and tiny crustaceans.
Most Recent Lake Chubsucker Forum Posts
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Lake Chubsucker Articles, Blogs, & Podcasts
Blog: Boomerang Tool Co. Grip 11.07.12 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: 4 Apps Every Angler With A Smartphone Should Use 02.09.12 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: Clouser Pattern Detailed - New Article 12.16.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: Become a pro 09.30.11 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: Launches California 09.27.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: California now on 09.23.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: California 09.23.11 by Matt Snider
Blog: Welcome to California 09.23.11 by Joshua Christensen
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