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This is one of the best times if not the best time to catch trophy Largemouth.

Guest Blog by: Boe Jacquard aka "BoeBass" - Guest Blogger
2/4/2012 (Return to blogs)
Buds are on the trees here in sunny Florida and every angler knows what that means. This is one of the best times if not the best time to catch trophy Largemouth. I was out scouting the other day and saw other pros and avid's doing the same thing I was. Usually this time of year i try to dress like a tourist and go out in a jon boat or a canoe so I can keep a low profile and not attract too much attention. Being a tournament angler and guide for so many years has made me a whole lot more cautious about being followed. Water in the high 60's gets me excited about what could happen at any time. I have caught more bass over 10lbs and sometimes several per day if you know where to look. My home water Lake Rousseau is a flooded river that took over everything in its path creating a fisherman's paradise of points, trees, humps, holes, river bends and banks. I usually look for staging areas close to flats with deep water near by. I have recently caught nine fish over eight pounds with the biggest weighing 14.9 with the big five being my personal best and it was in my club's second tournament of the year. It looked like it might be a good fishing day but it turned out to be the best of my life. I started by catching good fish and some really big fish mixed in with crank baits on the channel edge. I did this in several similar looking locations. A bit later in the day I switched to a spinner bait in somewhat shallower areas close to where I fished the channel edges. Finally I slowed things down an tossed a lizard with my 7'2" bait caster and worked it almost to death. I could not see the bottom in 5 - 7' of water cause of the recent rain clouding things up but I am sure at least three of the big girls were on beds. Any-way's I am getting excited as I am typing this report so I will sign off now and I reckon you know
Florida native with 45 years of fishing experience,both fresh and salt. 25 year pro fisherman and guide caught and released 470: 10 lb large mouth bass on natural and artificial baits.
Blog content © Boe Jacquard
02.05.12 2:07 PM
Great job, do you have any pictures, especially of the 14.9. If so put them on the web for us all to see.
02.07.12 3:09 PM
Second the motion. Pic plez

About the Author

Boe Jacquard"BoeBass" - Guest Blogger

Florida native with 45 years of fishing experience,both fresh and salt. 25 year pro fisherman and guide caught and released 470: 10 lb large mouth bass on natural and artificial baits.

