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Joshua Christensen
"BeastModeVet" - Guest Blogger

Welcome to California

Guest Blog by: Joshua Christensen , CA 9/23/2011
Welcome to Fish Explorer California! Finally there is a one stop place to get updates on your favorite fisheries and much more. I am excited about holding the position of state editor for The Golden State. We hope to be able to achieve what we have in our other states, bringing you all the accurate information you could possibly want in one location in regards to fishing California. 

We have a great staff of Field Editors that are both knowledgable and friendly. They are here to lend a helping hand with tips and articles on their individual experiences within the sport fishing industry. Our Field Editors consist of professional anglers, sport fishing business owners, and established published writers, versed in both fresh and salt water.

Fish Explorer is unique and unlike any other site because anglers are the heart of our system. Getting information is always nice, however when the information is updated by individuals with concern for their fisheries, the information becomes personal and accurate. The Fish Explorer system provides everyday guys and gals with the ability to become a steward of sport fishing. 

You as visitors are what makes us thrive. Feel free to add photo's from your favorite places to fish as well write posts about your last experience.Your input and concerns within the sport of fishing can be voiced via our fishing forum and I encourage you to take full advantage of all that is offered, all free of charge. Don't miss our articles and blogs, they will be rich with information on all sorts of fishing details to include techniques and what it takes to fish fresh and salt water. 

Lastly, we are always looking to improve and expand. If you would like to make your own impact within a local fishery please feel free to apply. Fish Explorer is a volunteer based system and it is a privilege to impact the culture that we live and breathe. 

Thank you for visiting our site and please come back soon!
Tight Lines,
Joshua "Yak Addict" Christensen
Joshua Christensen has been fishing since the age of three, always honing his skills towards bass fishing in both fresh and salt water. His passion for the sport of fishing is only surpassed by his passion for doing it by sit on top kayak. In addition to the work he does with Fish Explorer, Joshua is also the host of Beast Mode Outdoors on You Tube.
Blog content © Joshua Christensen
Blog Comments
BassChamp, 9/15/2011 10:53:09 PM
Awesome to see California up and running. I think it will add a lot to this web site and allow for other states to gather information and maybe some new trick to try out in their home state.
