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Emergency fish salvage at Meadow Creek Lake

Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Colorado Parks and Wildlife has announced an emergency public fish salvage is in effect at Meadow Creek Lake, located in the White River National Forest north of Rifle.

The salvage is being implemented to mitigate imminent fish loss, as Meadow Creek Lake is being drawn down for necessary modernization and upgrades to the dam's outlet structure.

All bag and possession limits for the reservoir are removed for the duration of the salvage. Anglers can keep all of the fish they catch utilizing the lawful angling methods currently allowed at the lake. The collection, use, or possession of live fish is prohibited in all waters west of the Continental Divide. Anglers are also reminded it is illegal to transport live fish into other bodies of water.

Anglers 16 and older must have a valid 2024 Colorado fishing license.

As the reservoir is drawn down, anglers should be advised that they will experience changing conditions and a muddy approach to the water.

The emergency salvage was approved by CPW Director Jeff Davis on Aug. 9, 2024, and will continue until further notice. This action only pertains to the reservoir property. All existing regulations on surrounding streams above and below the reservoir remain in effect.

When repairs are completed and the reservoir regains adequate water, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will restock the reservoir.

For additional information on other fishing options anglers can contact CPW's Grand Junction Office at 970-255-6100.
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