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53 Colorado Quality Waters Named by CPW

Credit: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is excited to announce a new category of fishable waters called Colorado Quality Waters ( [log in for link] ). These 53 lakes and streams contain productive, quality fisheries with public access, providing a top-tier experience for anglers.

CPW's talented team of fish management biologists identified and nominated these waters based on fish sampling records, surveys, and professional biological assessments. The waters were nominated for providing exceptional angling opportunities for one species or a variety of species.

The list includes well known and perennial favorites like Blue Mesa Reservoir ( [log in for link] ), Boyd Lake ( [log in for link] ), Lake Granby ( [log in for link] ), Lake John ( [log in for link] ), Rifle Gap Reservoir ( [log in for link] ), St. Vrain State Park ( [log in for link] ), and Stagecoach Reservoir ( [log in for link] ), among other lakes as well as rivers. View a full list of the Colorado Quality Waters here: [log in for link]

"Colorado offers anglers the opportunity to fish in 6,000 miles of streams and more than 1,300 lakes and reservoirs," said Josh Nehring, CPW's Deputy Aquatic Section Manager. "We are excited to announce this new designation and highlight these high quality fisheries."

Colorado Quality Waters are below the threshold to be considered Gold Medal Waters, but are recognized because of their fantastic and diverse warm-water and cold-water fisheries. For more information on Gold Medal Waters see page 3 of the 2024 Colorado Fishing Brochure ( [log in for link] )

CPW will have in-depth highlights of some new Colorado Quality Waters coming soon. Follow CPW on social media and sign up for email newsletters to stay informed.

Photo: CPW aquatic biologist's like Jon Ewert nominated 53 fisheries as Colorado Quality Waters. Photo of Lake Granby, courtesy of Ryan Jones/CPW
