Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the busy winter holiday season, so Colorado Parks and Wildlife invites people to spend time outdoors this Friday. On Nov. 24, CPW is pleased to offer free entry to all Colorado state parks on Fresh Air Friday. See
[log in for link] This year marks the 9th annual Fresh Air Friday event that encourages people to take some time over Thanksgiving weekend to create new outdoor memories and live life outside. A Fresh Air Friday celebration can be as big or as small of an outdoor adventure as you choose. To begin planning your outdoor experience, visit the Colorado state park finder (
[log in for link] ) or use the free Colorado Trail Explorer (COTREX) mobile app (
[log in for link] ) to discover local parks, trail systems and open spaces.
Visitors should be aware that Friday, Nov. 24 is a state holiday and some park visitor centers may not be open or fully staffed. Enforcement personnel will be patrolling the parks but some visitor services may be limited.
Throughout the year, CPW offers family friendly activities, fun-filled adventures and opportunities to learn and try new things at all of our state parks. Visit the CPW Event Calendar to find a Fresh Air Friday activity near you. Please call the park visitor center ahead of your visit for hours, closures or other information.
Photo: CPW