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Member Since: January 20, 2014 FxR+

FishExplorer Roles:

  • Regional Editor (Denver Metro Area)
  • Reports Editor
  • Calendar Editor
All-time Points: 50,561
2025 Points: 379
Total Reports: 1,454
Forum Posts: 4,190
(200 threads started, 3,990 replies)
My name is Curtis and although I was born in England as an Air Force brat, I consider myself a Colorado native. If I have a strength to offer members it is the fact that over the last 40 years I have been trying to hit every body of water within 100 miles of Denver no matter what size the lake is, and I'm more than happy to use this research on Fish Explorer. I'm open to every method of fishing from flies, to lures, to bait. In recent years chasing big carp and ice fishing have been priorities but I'll also go after any species.

My son, Blake, is my fishing buddy and we are always on the look-out for other Fish Explorer members. We never stop learning so when we do meet up with members we are happy to exchange knowledge and methods. Hope to see you all on the water!

Lake & River Reports

Sloan Lk (121)
Barr Lk (18)

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