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Member Since: July 1, 2013 FxR+

FishExplorer Roles:

  • Field Editor
All-time Points: 9,466
2024 Points: 144
Total Reports: 375
Forum Posts: 1,288
(378 threads started, 910 replies)
My folks used to haul a playpen to the lake shore so they could fish and when i started to crawl out of that they tied a rope to me and gave me a pole so I could fish so you could say I've been fishing all my life.
I fish for relaxation and if I catch something that is great but if not no big deal.
I passed my love for the out of doors on to my kids and they are passing it to my grand kids.
I can say with all honesty that if things get bad that my kids and I will do just fine with what we have learned from our families.
I hope you all have tight lines and bent rods.
If you see me on the lake or river stop by and say hi.

phidoux's Socials:

None listed.
