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Member Since: January 19, 2013 FxR+

FishExplorer Roles:

  • Field Editor
All-time Points: 88,828
2025 Points: 2,647
Total Reports: 2,244
Forum Posts: 2,660
(105 threads started, 2,555 replies)
I moved to Colorado in1982 from Wisconsin when I was 5 years old and have lived in Colorado ever since. I started fishing here at chatfield and Waterton canyon among other places with my father when I was little. After my parents parted ways the exploring and fishing continued with my uncle who took me all over the state to different lakes and rivers from the plains to deep in the mountains to the south and south east of Colorado chances are if there is a body of water here I've had a line in it at one time or another. Now I enjoy taking my son fishing both ice and open water we get out whenever we can to catch bluegill or little stockers so he doesn't lose interest and gets experience so we can go after harder to catch species. My favorite fish to catch is lake trout with smallmouth a close second. Since I'm alergic to fish I don't often if ever keep any of them and the bigger the fish the more I want to release it. I also enjoy hunting, camping, snowboarding, and target shooting, anything outdoors. If anyone lives in the Loveland area and would like to go out and get a line wet let me know.

Lake & River Reports

Dowdy Lk (168)
Boyd Lk (74)
Trap Lk (20)
Teal Lk (19)
Erie Lk (11)

Recent forum activity by Kev-o

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Kev-o's Socials:

None listed.
