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Member Since: September 30, 2011 FxR+

FishExplorer Roles:

  • Field Editor
All-time Points: 38,679
2024 Points: 295
Total Reports: 331
Forum Posts: 5,852
(169 threads started, 5,683 replies)
I grew up in western Mass spending most of my time in the woods and playing with things that have engines. New England bass fishing spoiled me a bit and the move to Colorado forced a bit of tactic changes. Fishing took a back seat while at CSU to chasing girls and drinking beer. Started chasing ducks and fish with my buddy, and got back into it with a Fury. Had a great time catching everything from trout to bass, pike to eyes. Bartered our way up to a boat and it really got serious. I go about fishing with the goal to be able to do it all, trolling or fly fishing, ice or casting, fly tying or bobbers.... Why not give it a try!

If the skipper contact link doesn't work, you can email me at (my screen name)@aim.com

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