Member Since: March 12, 2011 FxR+
All-time Points: 4,045
2025 Points: 105
Total Reports: 139
Forum Posts: 19
(3 threads started, 16 replies)
Buck is an avid fisherman from Evergreen, CO and a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder. Primarily a fly fisherman for the last ten years, Buck occasionally finds himself with a spinning rod in tow when in search of lake trout. Buck is most commonly found on local waters of the Front Range, but he also loves to explore Colorado's high-mountain lakes and streams, as well as rivers and lakes throughout the state. Buck is anything but a one-trick-pony, as he chases trout, bass, carp, panfish, grayling, and any other species of fish that's available for catching. In addition to fishing, Buck enjoys tying flies, skiing, backpacking, racquetball, and ice hockey.