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Fruitgrowers Reservoir

SEVERE water quality issues. No water contact allowed. Carp only Located near Delta
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Fish Species in Fruitgrowers Reservoir:

We have 1 fish species listed for this lake, including a rough fish. Log in and join FxR+ for a full detailed list.
Fruitgrowers Reservoir on FishExplorer has 3 historic conditions reports, 10 historic status updates, 8 historic water level updates, available with FxR+.
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Recent Reports

We have cataloged 21 reports for Fruitgrowers Reservoir, including detailed updates, temperatures, levels, and lake status.
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Water Tmp: 
Level:  04.24.24

Conditions Report

Conditions reports for Fruitgrowers Reservoir are available to contributors and subscribers. Create an account or log in, then join FxR+ for a boat-load more on FishExplorer. Last fishing conditions report for Fruitgrowers Reservoir: 04.24.24

Fruitgrowers Photos

photo by xavierk31

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Fruitgrowers Reservoir

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General Details

Fruitgrowers receives a lot of agricultural runoff and is fairly unhealthy. According to CPW: Technically public, but SEVERE water quality issues. No water contact allowed. Carp only. It is not act... Log in for additional details...


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  • fishing regulations


No campsites are recorded for this lake.


No boat ramps are recorded for this lake.
We have a short note about boating here available.

Directions, Fees, Misc

Managing Agency

Bureau of Land Management
2850 Youngfield Street
Lakewood, CO 80215
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FishExplorer Region: Southwest


From Delta, go East on 92, North on 65, turn right on CR J50, and make a quick left onto Fruitgrower...


No information on fees recorded.


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Fruitgrowers Reservoir Stocking Data

No stocking records recorded for this lake.

Weather, Sun & Moon

westclick a tab for more weather data
Our weather data is specifically designed for pertinent fishing conditions leading up to current time, forecast for the near future, and are interpolated with advanced models for the specific location of this lake based on exact coordinates, between weather stations, not for a single weather station that may be far away. These tools are available with FxR+.
Barometric Pressure Forecast Data for Fruitgrowers Reservoir

Lake Imagery/Maps

We have 2 alternate images and/or maps for Fruitgrowers Reservoir
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