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Lake Henry

Just east of Ordway, this shallow plains reservoir is a popular birding area that also offers excellent fishing for channel catfish and crappie. Located near Ordway
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Fish Species in Lake Henry:

We have 13 fish species listed for this lake, including a baitfish, a couple of bass, a other, a couple of panfish, a handful of rough fish, and a walleye. Log in and join FxR+ for a full detailed list.
Lake Henry on FishExplorer has 56 historic conditions reports, 36 historic water temperature updates, 43 historic status updates, 37 historic water level updates, available with FxR+.
We have more information including 2 links, file attachments, and contacts, plus details for special fishing regulations, ice fishing regulations, and OHV regulations. Join FxR+ to gain full access...
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Recent Reports

We have cataloged 172 reports for Lake Henry, including detailed updates, temperatures, levels, and lake status.
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Water Tmp:  05.19.19
Level:  08.22.20

Conditions Report

Conditions reports for Lake Henry are available to contributors and subscribers. Create an account or log in, then join FxR+ for a boat-load more on FishExplorer.

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Lake Henry

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Master Angler Records

This lake has 5 records, including 4 bass, 1 panfish. Master angler data compiled from the Colorado Parks & Wildlife. Join FxR+ for full details.

General Details

Located two miles east of Ordway, Lake Henry is popular with birders. As the shallow reservoir, averaging six feet, attracts numerous bird species. The western shore is consider one of the best publi... Log in for additional details...

Extra Details for FxR+

FxR+ writeup is available. Join FxR+ to view.


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  • fishing regulations
  • ice fishing regulations
  • OHV regulations


We have 1 camping area listed at or near, and a short note about camping around Lake Henry. Join FxR+ to gain full access...


We have 1 boat ramp listed, and a short note about boating at Lake Henry. Join FxR+ to gain full access...

Directions, Fees, Misc

Managing Agency

Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW)
6060 Broadway
Denver, CO 80216
(303) 297-1192
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FishExplorer Region: Southeast


From Ordway, take Highway 96 east to Lane 22. Turn north, and travel 1 mile to the reservoir....


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Lake Henry Stocking Data

Contact the local aquatic biologist for more information on fish stocking. More info...

Weather, Sun & Moon

westclick a tab for more weather data
Our weather data is specifically designed for pertinent fishing conditions leading up to current time, forecast for the near future, and are interpolated with advanced models for the specific location of this lake based on exact coordinates, between weather stations, not for a single weather station that may be far away. These tools are available with FxR+.
Barometric Pressure Forecast Data for Lake Henry

Lake Imagery/Maps

We have 4 alternate images and/or maps for Lake Henry

Top Reporters

#Last RptNickName
876/24/2018 fishhooker
195/19/2019 dizzel
171/4/2023 cookster
54/29/2013 Flyrodn
55/28/2014 Wattzz
45/4/2012 Seeds
44/6/2013 Girls In The Outdoors
36/7/2010 alexyakich
35/25/2013 OpusX
36/24/2018 njh
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