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Forum: West boat dock and courtesy dock at Cherry Creek

06.23.24 1:43 PM
Just wondered if anyone knew why they never replaced the courtesy dock by the bathrooms on the north west side of cherry creek, and if anyone has encountered the pole at the west dock, that looks like you could impale your boat on?

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06.23.24 5:00 PM
06.23.24 5:00 PM
Yes and who knows the reason behind CPW 'S actions ... Log in to view...
06.23.24 5:58 PM
06.23.24 5:58 PM
I launch and load out at the west ramp . . .the pole is a bit tilted,but if you slow down when you t ... Log in to view...
06.23.24 8:02 PM
06.23.24 8:02 PM
The pole is a big time hazzard and should have been fixed a long time ago. I have seen people hit va ... Log in to view...
06.23.24 9:49 PM
06.23.24 9:49 PM
I've seen how the CWP installs the dock in the spring and it requires the CWP folks to bring a work ... Log in to view...
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