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BOAT Hacks

Post By: _TroutHunter_      Posted: 5/7/2024 9:44:29 AM     Points: 6    
Post Them HERE
 Reply by: Hawaiian Punch      Posted: May. 7, 12:19:34 PM     Points: 11586
Got tired of bending my trailer license plate back to straight . . . .you need a metal bracket on top . . .I got my metal bracket at the trailer place just east of the truck stop at Ward rd and I-70.I also added a piece of flat metal plate the same size as my plate . . .got that piece from Dencoil at I-70 and Washington.
This allows the plate to swing instead of bending.
 Reply by: SurfaceIron      Posted: May. 7, 2:58:57 PM     Points: 439
Install cleats adjacent to your seats and console. So it's easy to tie up or launch. I don't know why manufacturers put them at each end of the boat without one that's easy access. Absolutely stupid. I have immediately installed two cleats next to my seats on all of the boats I've ever had. Pull in, wrap to the dock and jump out, or unwrap and launch. Takes one second with no scrambling around.
 Reply by: fishingmanlee      Posted: May. 9, 8:42:33 AM     Points: 287
Don't really understand the razor blade and hose clamp? Razor blade will rust so that'll be a maintenance item periodically.

I agree with the cleats at the console. I have a Lund with an accessory groove around most of the gunnel. Lund now makes an accessory for fenders and dock lines that can be inserted and locked into the groove wherever and whenever needed. New to my boat this year.

I also bought an adhesive ruler that is installed on the gunnel made from dense foam material to protect the fish (a little). It's 40" long and about 6" wide. VERY good for quick measuring and release or keep when restrictions apply. WAY better than the plastic, wood, or metal measuring boards getting in the way and no need for additional storage.
 Reply by: GoNe_FiShIn_11      Posted: May. 9, 12:57:04 PM     Points: 11837
Razer blade is to cut fishing line before it gets wrapped in the motor.

Great pointers. Keep them coming
 Reply by: fishingmanlee      Posted: May. 9, 5:02:06 PM     Points: 287
OK makes sense now. Had that crap happen on all of my props way to often.
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