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For sale Eskimo quick flip 2

Post By: Trailerman      Posted: 11/19/2023 2:01:55 PM     Points: 73    
This is an old shelter but still in half decent shape. Couple of patches. It’s set up to pull but wouldn’t be too tough to hook it to a snowmobile. Couple of tears but I have all the pieces. Has an led light bar installed across the top that hooks to a fish finder battery. Again make me an offer.
 Reply by: Trailerman      Posted: 11/24/2023 1:09:33 PM     Points: 73
Ok at this point it just needs to be gone. Free to whomever wants it. I live in Sedalia and work in Englewood. Also anyone know a good place to donate gear in case no one takes me up on it? I have a few other things to rehome as well.
 Reply by: anglerwannabe      Posted: 11/24/2023 2:41:25 PM     Points: 74792
Trailerman if you don't get a better offer, may I have it? Have a military family that would love to have it. Pretty positive they would put it to good use.
 Reply by: Trailerman      Posted: 11/24/2023 5:08:37 PM     Points: 73
AWB. Absolutely. It’s got some more fishing left in it. It’s perfect for metro lakes. It’s a little heavy but I can get it in and out of the truck bed by myself. It has a few tears but it still holds heat.
 Reply by: anglerwannabe      Posted: 11/24/2023 5:21:19 PM     Points: 74792
Perfect! Just use my editors link and email me and we'll work out a pick up! Depending on what else you have, I might be able to find some military folks that could use it.

Truthfully, the gear that is the most difficult to rehome is ice gear. But this family just received the ice gear donated to me some time ago and it's a lot.. the only thing that was missing was sled, hut and auger.
 Reply by: Trailerman      Posted: 11/24/2023 5:31:19 PM     Points: 73
Message sent to your editor link. Luckily the shelter is a sled and shelter in one!
 Reply by: troutgetter      Posted: 11/25/2023 6:03:58 PM     Points: 8
Boy, , that ssounds great, I’ll give you $150 for it tomorrow if I can check it out.
My # is 303 880 5354, if it’s gone already, that’s cool
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