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Lake: Shadow Mountain Reservoir
Fish: Tiger Muskie

Tiger Muskie

Post By: fireretired      Posted: 10/25/2023 11:36:06 AM     Points: 86    
I just heard a rumor that Shadow Mountain Res. was stocked with 500,000 fingerling Tiger Muskie. True or not?
 Reply by: MAC ATTACK      Posted: 10/25/2023 1:07:34 PM     Points: 40660
Yes. It's true.

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 Reply by: anglerwannabe      Posted: 10/25/2023 1:25:13 PM     Points: 74305
just a tad less than 500K 13,500 of them actually. It is the tiger muskie. The 7-9 inch fingerlings were released Sept. 14 into Mountain Shadow Reservoir.
 Reply by: standardjolson      Posted: 10/25/2023 1:48:33 PM     Points: 284
Additionally, they stocked 5000 tigers this year. CPW is going to stock another 5000 next year and the year after from what I heard.
 Reply by: tatonka      Posted: 10/25/2023 4:21:07 PM     Points: 223
Tigers in the Tri Lakes eh?
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