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Windsor lake in east Denver?

Post By: Hawaiian Punch      Posted: 8/21/2023 10:23:43 AM     Points: 11586    
Growing up in the Fairmont cementary area of east Denver,we hung out on the Highline cannel trail . . .East of Fairmount cementary the cannel feed a lake we were told was irrigation for the cementary . . .drove by the other day and now it's in the middle of a gated neighborhood . . .anyone know anything about the place/lake?

 Reply by: Trailerman      Posted: 8/21/2023 4:29:19 PM     Points: 72
My buddy lived in the apartments surrounding the lake. Used to be called the breakers, but they may have changed the name. At the time the public could pay to go fishing. 10 bucks i think it was. And residents and guests can fish for free with a valid license. It was a great lake for LMB and carp. That’s been 10 years ago now so not sure if that info is still accurate.
 Reply by: Hawaiian Punch      Posted: 8/21/2023 4:44:35 PM     Points: 11586
Trailerman . . .thanks for the info . . . .I'll stop by the gate and see what's going on there.
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