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Lake: Spinney Mountain Reservoir
Fish: Cutbow Trout


Post By: Bennyb SST      Posted: 5/22/2023 3:03:39 PM     Points: 549    
Hope everyone has a sick week full of action and adventure. Here’s a video of a recent day to get you pumped [log in for link]
 Reply by: Goosehunter82      Posted: 5/22/2023 4:34:54 PM     Points: 78623
As always nice fish! A lake update here on the site would be appreciated!
 Reply by: Bennyb SST      Posted: 5/22/2023 4:36:08 PM     Points: 549
Thank you. Lake is low. Fish are in shallows thick. And I’m hoping the boat ramp can open soon. Need water!
 Reply by: Troutbisquits      Posted: 5/22/2023 9:44:09 PM     Points: 2728
Good stuff Benny. So do ya know how to do a lake update here? There is a button on top to "Post an Update" . Should open a menu where you can select your lake from a drop-down and fill in the appropriate conditions. Helps this site out, and the members who use it. For your benefit it earns you points, which I highly recommend spending in the winter giveaway. The more points you earn the more you can spend for entries in the giveaway. Two years ago I won a stay at river run RV resort and an entry to the three lakes tournament. It was a blast!

Also... Gotta say I like the public water videos best. Private water is fun to fish, but I feel like public water is more relatable. Just my opinion.
 Reply by: dizzel      Posted: 5/23/2023 12:00:17 AM     Points: 25224
"Troutbiscuts" posts like this are ONLY generated to submit a "link" to get folks to "click" on the authors video/account and view their media by "clicking" on the link, Its an avenue to collect revenue based on "popularity" , in this case a video "posted" on Spinneys "MONSTERS" will generate "attention " and get people to help the OP poster in monetary compensation. Pretty sure the OP don't care about the lake/water conditions he posted about.
 Reply by: ND Transplant      Posted: 5/23/2023 5:24:44 AM     Points: 14546
I think this would be the only thing I agree with the jealous whiners about is that it would be nice to see folks like Benny update waters they fish with reports.
 Reply by: yard dogs      Posted: 5/23/2023 10:10:56 AM     Points: 747
That is like the 400# chick that always says people are jealous cause she is so hot and the "haters" just want to be like her. Nobody is jealous man - just tired of the advertising on this site with no contributions

 Reply by: skiman      Posted: 5/23/2023 12:15:08 PM     Points: 2829
Maybe FX should limit/restrict video links if they are only posted for material gain, and have no accompanying lake/river update.
 Reply by: Wreckstar      Posted: 5/23/2023 1:44:36 PM     Points: 5840
Come on man, whiner ave is a 2 way street, that apparently you frequent. Not trying to start a fight, just pointing out some hypocrisy.
 Reply by: Bennyb SST      Posted: 5/23/2023 7:55:45 PM     Points: 549
Thank you for letting me know! I will get on there and try to fill out some reports more often! I had no idea how that worked. Fish on my friends.
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