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Lake: Antero Reservoir
Fish: Brown Trout

Tips & Tricks + Techniques

Post By: Bennyb SST      Posted: 9/28/2022 4:30:26 PM     Points: 559    
Tips for success tricks of the trade and techniques that were used! I have been asked many times to make an episode that covers a step-by-step on how we land 14 fish within this one episode. Mostly browns a couple rainbows. I hope you enjoy this episode if you’re interested to see how to link will be here. [log in for link]
 Reply by: eholm      Posted: 9/28/2022 4:34:54 PM     Points: 18239
Good stuff! I literally just made a post lamenting about this very thing... experts not sharing their real tips and tricks. And then you posted this, fins up!
 Reply by: team FMFO      Posted: 9/28/2022 5:19:23 PM     Points: 3668
Very nice !
 Reply by: Barnacles      Posted: 9/28/2022 8:38:16 PM     Points: 5018
Outstanding. That tube looks like the "watermelon red" or "watermelon candy" from Zoom. One of my favorites for SMB, or just about anything that swims.
Really appreciate the details on the flies too ---- Well done.
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