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Fish: Cutthroat Trout

Fishing for Big Cutthroat Trout At High Altitudes

Post By: ND Transplant      Posted: 9/21/2022 3:35:39 PM     Points: 14547    
Probably less than two months before the lakes start to freeze up in the mountains. I hope you're all able to get up there and experience the magic before they do.

Here's our trip from this weekend on YouTube: [log in for link]

I haven't posted in a grip but have been fishing as hard as ever in the alpines.
 Reply by: GingerLife      Posted: 9/22/2022 10:28:59 AM     Points: 1324
Nice ND!
Id love to hit some of these high up lakes that I see you talking about, but Im not sure where you are fishing at.
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