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River: Colorado River Pumphouse to Dotsero

Colorado River

Post By: fishinaddiction247      Posted: 12/29/2020 3:43:21 PM     Points: 640    
Hello all!! Thought this should be shared in the fish explorer community.Talking with the mountain fly shops there is a proposal for the Rincon mine project on the Colorado river near dotsero. This mine would be operational for 10 years and would extract 225,000 tons per year. It's up to the Eagle County Planning Commission to deny or approve their request and the next meeting is January 6th. Curious what thoughts you all have on this one. There is a petition out there to stop the mine. Thanks all for your time!! Keep up the good fishing!! Link 1 is petition link 2 is rincon mine summary by cutthroat anglers.

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 Reply by: Wmdunker      Posted: 12/29/2020 3:57:03 PM     Points: 475
It is a gravel pit or series of them. There are already two such ponds along the River at Dotsero that were mined when I-70 was built through Glenwood Canyon. Take a look upstream by Gypsum at ponds that resulted from a similar project years ago. The impacts are generally minimal and as an environmental geologist and river riparian restoration specialist, I see no reason to get fired up about this project.
 Reply by: fishinaddiction247      Posted: 12/29/2020 4:02:41 PM     Points: 640
I'm not too fired up about it, may end up becoming a nice lake. Just want the information out there for everyone to see. Appreciate the feedback geologist and biologist are whom i like to hear from!
 Reply by: yard dogs      Posted: 12/29/2020 4:05:26 PM     Points: 747
That fish is RIDICULOUS....
 Reply by: eron      Posted: 12/29/2020 7:04:42 PM     Points: 1164
From the Vail Daily
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 Reply by: FishHuntNow      Posted: 12/29/2020 8:10:40 PM     Points: 1709
Wow some brutes for sure! Thanks for sharing.
 Reply by: SirGreg88      Posted: 12/29/2020 11:19:23 PM     Points: 430
Wow. That cutbow is a blimp! Now my feelings are very hurt.............
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