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Lake: Dome Lakes

Dome Lakes...?

Post By: yard dogs      Posted: 6/15/2020 3:25:35 PM     Points: 747    
Has anyone ever been to or fished these lakes? Very curious about them...
 Reply by: DaveBuech      Posted: 6/15/2020 4:19:11 PM     Points: 0
Yep. They are mostly Rainbow stockers and some Tiger trout. Lots of little suckers too. Lower Dome is pretty shallow and fills with weeds early in the summer (now). Upper Dome is deeper and fishable.
 Reply by: yard dogs      Posted: 6/15/2020 4:49:15 PM     Points: 747
Thanks man. Are there camping spots up there? Thinking about taking the boys up there but it is hard to find any info on
 Reply by: Digginjiggin      Posted: 6/15/2020 5:35:28 PM     Points: 514
Been there several times, Brad. Not really camping areas designated, people camping just pull into wide pull-outs next to the road, but no restrooms or picnic tables or fire rings. Used to catch some fat brookies out of the upper lake too, but not over 12-13”. Nice, wide open meadows, a nice catch and release creek comes out of the dam and has 3 species of trout. I taught my nephew how to fly fish there like 20 years ago.
 Reply by: Walleye Guy      Posted: 6/15/2020 6:04:18 PM     Points: 221
The creek below has lots of mosquitoes, some small trout, a giant herd of cattle and a gazzillion garter snakes. As mentioned, there are stockers in the lake. There is an outhouse as of last year and a few pull out camping spots at the lakes. I've been there a couple of times and it seems like very thunder storm that is in Colorado hits that valley, never fails. If you hike up Cochetopa Dome after a storm you have a good shot of finding some Apache tears.

 Reply by: DaveBuech      Posted: 6/15/2020 7:59:45 PM     Points: 0
Yes actually there are 2 restrooms up at upper Dome. One on the east side and one on the west. There are several camping spots on the west side of the lake and a couple of pull offs on the east side. No picnic tables or "improvements" but there are several well used fire rings. Keep in mind that a stage 2 fire ban still in effect for the area. The area has a lot of places though just to pull out and camp as it is mostly BLM and or FS. Cochetopa SWA is artificial lures catch and release area from above Dome lakes down past Los Pinos creek as well as a several mile section of Los Pinos. Wild browns, and occasional Brookie and even rarer a rainbow in the creek.
 Reply by: yard dogs      Posted: 6/16/2020 9:02:04 AM     Points: 747
Awesome info - thanks fellas. I think we make a day trip up one day and check it out, then maybe camp up there...
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