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Lake: Daigre and Wahatoya Lake

Great day

Post By: xavierk31      Posted: 3/12/2020 10:32:46 PM     Points: 7855    
Great day today. Took a buddy of mine fishing who hasn’t fished since he was a kid. Didn’t catch a ton of fish but we each landed a few and they were all quality wild trout, including one cut bow by my buddy.
Plus I was finally able to use my new Elkhorn fly rod from the winter giveaway. And I LOVE it.
Unfortunately I sliced my finger with my fillet knife while cleaning one of our fish we kept. I’m not even gonna make excuses. It was just stupidity. Lol
 Reply by: SGM      Posted: 3/13/2020 4:27:47 PM     Points: 24017
Nice, except for the filet-o-finger. Never fished down there but seems interesting.
 Reply by: xavierk31      Posted: 3/13/2020 4:32:22 PM     Points: 7855
Nice thing about all the fish we caught, I think all of them were wild rainbows with the adipose fins. "Never say die" mentality after they were hooked.
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