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River: Arkansas River Lower
Fish: Rainbow Trout

arkansas river near salida

Post By: multi      Posted: 8/25/2019 8:48:48 AM     Points: 0    
I am trying to take my brother camping along the Arkansas to fly fish.
Any areas near Salida that you can recommend ?
 Reply by: SGM      Posted: 8/26/2019 7:36:05 AM     Points: 24017
The Salida East Campground is just east of Salida on US 50. It is a BLM/CPW campground. JUst to the west of that campground is a private owned place called 4 seasons. Both are right on the river and easy access.
 Reply by: multi      Posted: 8/26/2019 8:01:08 AM     Points: 0
Thanks for the tip!
 Reply by: malty falcon      Posted: 8/26/2019 9:15:55 AM     Points: 10010
State run campgrounds dot the highway 50 all the way to Canon City, Salida East, Rincon, Salt Lick, Five Points, Etc. Also a KOA between Cotopaxi and Coaldale is quite lovely. Just be aware of Labor Day crowds.

West of Salida is more remote camping at Ruby Mountain and Hecla Junction, both on the river.
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