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Lake: Harper Lake

Accidental Meetings

Post By: Ziriux      Posted: 3/8/2016 4:29:43 PM     Points: 0    
Any of you ever meet on accident while fishing at Lakes? Nice breezy afternoon at Harper I ran into a couple of you. Good times, happy fishing!
 Reply by: bluecollarguy      Posted: 3/8/2016 4:34:05 PM     Points: 48
It happened just the other day!

It's happened a few times for me over the years, but I'm that guy that usually just smiles or nods at others while coming or going and don't make it a point to hang out and meet others unless there's a reason. But sometimes there is a reason!

I'm not that old but I guess I'm getting grumpier or something.
 Reply by: Ziriux      Posted: 3/8/2016 4:35:54 PM     Points: 0
Yea hard to be grumpy when people I've come across are really nice and like me catch and release. We just talk about how much fun fishing is.
 Reply by: phidoux      Posted: 3/8/2016 5:11:08 PM     Points: 9055
We really didn't give you a chance to just walk away I guess LOL.
It was nice to meet and visit with you and again congrats on the bass.
 Reply by: sportfisher      Posted: 3/8/2016 6:08:50 PM     Points: 4912
I have met a few members at Harper in the years. I am hoping to keep doing so. It's nice to run across people that share the same interests as me.
 Reply by: Ziriux      Posted: 3/9/2016 5:39:16 PM     Points: 0

You go there on any particular time during the day or days? Would like to chat next time I see you out there.
 Reply by: Toadfish      Posted: 3/9/2016 6:57:12 PM     Points: 3831
I've accidentally met several members at Green Mountain, have seen a few I couldn't talk to/didn't catch in time at the mile and at G-Town. Have run into my good friend FargingIceHole at G-Town several times, and have noticed FishExplorer decals driving to and from a lot of fisheries and just in the area.
 Reply by: Ziriux      Posted: 3/9/2016 7:12:59 PM     Points: 0
Usually if there is a fisherman walking past me and saying hi or asking me "any luck" I'm honest with them and we introduce our selves and one of my questions is are you on fish explorer and 2 out of 3 say they are on this site. Cool to meet people from here.
 Reply by: sportfisher      Posted: 3/9/2016 8:38:34 PM     Points: 4912
Ziriux I am there several times a week. Just depends on if Im fishing any where else. We can set a time though.
 Reply by: Ziriux      Posted: 3/10/2016 8:46:50 AM     Points: 0
Depending on the day, I'm either there by 730 am until about 9am or if i go to work early, I start fishing there 3:30pm to about 5:30pm. I will not be there today, but most likely tomorrow around 7:30am I'll be checking it out.
 Reply by: ColoradoOutdoorsman      Posted: 3/10/2016 9:50:58 AM     Points: 821
Yeah I've had the pleasure of meeting Not to old to fish, Mr. Chad Lachance, and a couple of other people who I can't remember. Nice to have conversations with people and learn new things. And apparently I follow one guy on this site wherever he goes so of course him lmao...
 Reply by: Ziriux      Posted: 3/10/2016 4:54:56 PM     Points: 0
Thanks Outdoors man, that made me laugh, someone once approached me and asked me if i'm following them, I said naw we just live in the same metro area dude.

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