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River: Boulder Creek - North Boulder Creek to Fourmile Creek
Fish: Brown Trout

Boulder creek

Post By: Speezer      Posted: 4/22/2015 8:23:17 PM     Points: 830    
Fished boulder creek just below the falls for a little. Ended up catching a couple browns including this one, figured close to 10 inches. Also I think it is a brown trout, either that or a brookie but i think its a brown.
 Reply by: skunkmaster      Posted: 4/22/2015 8:59:25 PM     Points: 1059
Yup, brown.
 Reply by: troutfinder      Posted: 4/23/2015 8:24:09 AM     Points: 801
Nice brown. hey, if you get above the falls a couple miles, where the creek flattens out towards nederland, you can get rainbows, browns and brookies up there and there's lots of fish above the falls.
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