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Forum: Kitty cats just stocked?

09.22.14 11:06 AM
Went to JBL on friday after work setup out mid lake on the SouthSide and was nailing small cats left and right off night crawlers with a texas rig on a #10 hook. Amtrack train pulled up and parked for 10 minutes in which time I was able to pull out 6 cats in the 6-10" range with one coming in just o ... Log in to view rest of post...
09.22.14 11:12 AM
09.22.14 11:12 AM
Not aware if there being monster walleye in the lake. I know it was stocked with tiger Muskie a few ... Log in to view...
09.22.14 2:03 PM
09.22.14 2:03 PM
I've done best fishing for bass in the spring...for some reason on the bad weather days is when i ca ... Log in to view...
09.23.14 9:35 AM
09.23.14 9:35 AM
Thank you elkinthebag and panfishin for the info. I too see better responses from the fish when the ... Log in to view...
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