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Lake: Smith Reservoir (Lakewood)

They are in there!!!

Post By: StormVet      Posted: 6/25/2014 3:52:40 PM     Points: 156    
The SMB was 17inches 3 lbs

The LMB was 13 inches 1- 1/2lbs

I post on here every now and then. I cant tell people to catch and release but I do all the time. Lets keep these fish in there for others to catch as well. This lake is a hit and miss lake I miss a lot there
 Reply by: opencage      Posted: 6/26/2014 9:54:29 AM     Points: 164763
Nice looking fish there. I'm with ya on CPR, especially on smaller waters like these. Next time, be sure to remember to submit a conditions report on the lake page [log in for link] by clicking the red "Submit Update" button and you'll earn points towards a contributing membership and the end-of-year Winter Giveaway.
 Reply by: bron      Posted: 6/26/2014 9:59:44 AM     Points: 49470
Nice fish! I've fished that chain of lakes for years--always did a little better at Kendrick which is East of Smith.
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