Post By: Bonefisher Posted: 8/27/2011 6:55:08 PMPoints: 47
8-21-11, arrived about 1 and stayed till about 3, hit like crazy on Royal Coachman. I was fishing the beaver pond above the lake and had at least a hit on virtually every presentation. C&R but landed about 10-12 and missed another 15 or so. I am a beginner so am still doing something wrong on setting hook, but they were hitting hard and breaching as soon as fly hit. I was standing out in the water near the grassy clumps of the pond and casting about 30-40 feet back towards the road to a couple of deeper holes could see them swimming all around. most were around 14-16 inch, so they were real nice for brookies
Bonefisher, getting into brookies is a blast. You probably know this, but, when fishing with dry flies, you have to wait, by pausing for a second, or at least a fraction of one, so that after the take, the fish turns and has your presentation in its mouth, just as you would if you were bass fishing with surface lures. If you set the hook right when the fish takes the fly and creates a commotion on the surface, more often than not, you'll pull it away from them, and miss the strike. But again, it sounds like you had a very nice afternoon. Making the presentation so that they take it is the hard part, tweaking your reaction to it, in order to hook more of them, just takes the mind set of giving them just a little bit of time, again, congrats.
Reply by: Fishinbud Posted: 8/29/2011 7:30:50 AM Points: 9
Bonefisher, I hear ya', we all miss fish, it' s part of the game and again, that's why it's called fishing. But just like any sport, tweaking your techniques can make all the difference in the world, especially if you know that something isn't going quite right. In doing so, you'll eventually have some of those days when it feels like it's catching, and often times, those are the days that get most of us psyched up to go, knowing just how good that they can be. Take care and continued success.