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Colorado Fishing
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Colorado Fish Species

Arctic Char
Arctic Grayling
Bigmouth Buffalo
Black Bullhead
Black Crappie
Blue Catfish
Bluehead sucker
Bonytail Chub
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Channel Catfish
Colorado Pikeminnow
Colorado River Cutthroat
Common Carp
Creek Chub
Cutbow Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Emerald Shiner
Flannelmouth Sucker
Flathead Catfish
Flathead Chub
Freshwater Drum
Gizzard Shad
Golden Shiner
Golden Trout
Grass Carp
Green Sunfish
Greenback Cutthroat
Hybrid Striped Bass(wiper/palmetto)
Lake Chub
Lake Trout
Largemouth Bass
Longnose Sucker
Mountain Whitefish
Northern Pike
Orangespotted Sunfish
Rainbow Trout
Redear Sunfish
River Carpsucker
Roundtail Chub
Sacramento Perch
Smallmouth Bass
Snake River Cutthroat
Spottail Shiner
Spotted Bass
Striped Bass
Sunfish (Bream)
Tiger Muskie
Tiger Trout
White Bass
White Crappie
White Sucker
Yellow Bullhead
Yellow Perch
Yellowstone Cutthroat

Cutthroat Trout
Cutthroat trout encompass large group of related salmonoids that populated most of the western United States.  Some of the better known species include the Bonneville, Lahontan,  Rio Grande, Colorado River, Snake River, Greenback, and Yellowstone to name a few. Due to a large number of factors, including introduction of “exotic” species and habitat degradation, many cutthroat species today are in danger of being lost, and even some populations that are healthy have been genetically degraded due to stockings of rainbows and other cutthroat species.
As the name implies, the bright reddish-orange slash on the throat is a major distinguishing mark of these numerous species.  Many of the species are so similar morphologically that only expects are able to tell them apart and even then sometime genetic testing is necessary to conclusively differentiate between them.
Cutthroat trout inhabit relatively clear, cold streams, rivers, and lakes.  Their preferred temperatures range from 40 to 60 degrees.  These spring spawners typically build their redds in gravel riffles after the river flow have abated. 
 Intensive harvest by anglers has affected the abundance and size structure of most species.  This is in part a result for the readiness of cutthroat to take a fly or lure, making them rather popular with anglers.

Most Recent Cutthroat Trout Forum Posts
Flat Tops Wilderness 06.26.23 by Jrouse
Cutties up in the Mountains 08.15.22 by Team CO.F.F.
Two Miles High 07.02.22 by Infrared
Rock'n Rivers 05.13.22 by Digginjiggin
Cutthroat Trout Articles, Blogs, & Podcasts
Blog: Anti-Troutite, not really 03.14.21 by Jeff Wagner
Blog: Winter and early spring float tubing 03.05.20 by Bill Prater
Blog: Another Great Trip 04.03.17 by Bill Prater
Blog: Montana FIshing Trip - Day 3 07.04.15 by Tom McInerney
Blog: Fifteen, But Who’s Counting? – Oh, I Am! 10.17.14 by David Coulson
Blog: Skip the Dunkin Donuts 08.05.14 by Alan Peak
Blog: Rocky Mountain National Park Waters Added 05.17.14 by Tom McInerney
Blog: People are Starting to Come Outside 04.14.14 by Alan Peak
Blog: Trouting from a Kayak 12.30.13 by Brady Garrett
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