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Colorado Fish Species: Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout
Photo: David Coulson, FishExplorer.com

The rainbow trout is one of the most respected and sought after of all game fishes.  Rainbow trout have the typical streamlined salmonid form, although body shape and coloration vary widely. Color of the back varies from blue-green to olive, with a reddish-pink band along each side.  The belly is typically white and small black spots are present over the back, upper fins, and tail.
Adult rainbows usually seek out the shallow, gravel riffles in late winter, or early spring to spawn. Female use their tails to prepare redds where they deposit up to 8,000 eggs that are fertilized by a male, and covered with gravel.  Depending on water temperature incubation can take from a few weeks to months.  After hatching the fry assemble in groups and seek shelter along shore lines.
Opportunistic feeders, rainbows feed on variety of food items ranging from small insects to crayfish. Stream trout often feed heavily on terrestrial insects. Rocky streams produce a many aquatic invertebrates that are also fed upon. In lakes and streams crustaceans, snails, leeches, small fish, and fish eggs also serve as food.
Rainbows are popular with anglers for their willingness to take a large number of baits and lures.  Add that they are easily reared to catchable sizes; rainbows are stocked heavily in many states to offer recreational fishing opportunities for many.

Lakes & Rivers with Rainbow Trout on FishExplorer:

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Colorado Rainbow Trout Photos
by Banzai Jimmy - LED Midge worked well
by Banzai Jimmy -
by ELVIS - Lake John
by ELVIS - Lake John
by Banzai Jimmy -
by Banzai Jimmy -
by Banzai Jimmy -
by Banzai Jimmy -
by Digginjiggin - Grandson Masons fish of the year
by Banzai Jimmy -
by IceAngler86 - 18" rainbow caught on flicker shad crank
by IceAngler86 - Nice rainbow on mimic minnow
by 1fishwilly -
by i2fly -
by anglerwannabe -
by Banzai Jimmy -
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