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Colorado Fishing
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Colorado Fish Species

Arctic Char
Arctic Grayling
Bigmouth Buffalo
Black Bullhead
Black Crappie
Blue Catfish
Bluehead sucker
Bonytail Chub
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Channel Catfish
Colorado Pikeminnow
Colorado River Cutthroat
Common Carp
Creek Chub
Cutbow Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Emerald Shiner
Flannelmouth Sucker
Flathead Catfish
Flathead Chub
Freshwater Drum
Gizzard Shad
Golden Shiner
Golden Trout
Grass Carp
Green Sunfish
Greenback Cutthroat
Hybrid Striped Bass(wiper/palmetto)
Lake Chub
Lake Trout
Largemouth Bass
Longnose Sucker
Mountain Whitefish
Northern Pike
Orangespotted Sunfish
Rainbow Trout
Redear Sunfish
River Carpsucker
Roundtail Chub
Sacramento Perch
Smallmouth Bass
Snake River Cutthroat
Spottail Shiner
Spotted Bass
Striped Bass
Sunfish (Bream)
Tiger Muskie
Tiger Trout
White Bass
White Crappie
White Sucker
Yellow Bullhead
Yellow Perch
Yellowstone Cutthroat

Lakes with Spotted Bass on FishExplorer
Spotted Bass
Most bass are sexually maturity within one to two year.  However, spotted bass found in spawning areas are typically three years or older. Preferred spawning sites are rock and gravel where the males build nest once the water temperatures are in 57-74°F range.  Egg numbers vary from a 1,000 to over 40,000.  As with other black bass males guard the nest for several weeks.
Fry have a diet of zooplankton that shift to insects then to fish and crayfish and the bass matures.
Fish can comprise as much as 50% of spotted bass’s diet, but typically consume about one-half as much fish as largemouth. Spotted bass seem to occupy habitat between the preferences of largemouth and smallmouth bass, taking up residence in more current than largemouth bass, yet too warm, turbid, and sluggish for smallmouth bass.  Spots can be found around aquatic vegetation, submerged logs, and rock.

Spotted Bass are also know as Kentucky Spotted Bass, or simply Spots. This black bass is native to the Mississippi River basin and the Gulf States, from central Texas through Northern Florida. This smaller cousin of the largemouth is often mistaken for it.  The spotted bass is a slender fish with black blotches along the middle of the body; with age, these join to form an irregular band.
While spots are similar in coloring, their mouth is smaller and the lower jaw does not extend past the often reddish eye. While Kentucky Spotted Bass grow to 25 inches and weights of 10 lb, their typical size is in the 12 to 17 inch range. They are known to live seven years or more.
Most Recent Spotted Bass Forum Posts
Pueblo reservoir tips? 04.28.24 by Dabindaniel
Mean mouth....??? 04.21.19 by dizzel
Favorite fish to catch.... 05.17.17 by dizzel
Spotted Bass?? 05.02.17 by anglerwannabe
pound vs pound 04.29.14 by dizzel
Fishing slowly picking up 04.09.13 by JuggaloRon
took the boat for a test run. 03.18.13 by JuggaloRon
PB @ P-lo this evening 08.20.12 by nightangler
Hogg of a Bass 05.05.12 by fishingfreak
Spotted Bass Articles, Blogs, & Podcasts
Blog: High School Fishing 06.02.14 by Josh Cundiff
Blog: Bass Flies Tying Demo Staturday, October 5 10.03.13 by David Coulson
Blog: Boomerang Tool Co. Grip 11.07.12 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: Grateful For The Opportunity 05.19.12 by Ryan Wood
Blog: Latest Article - Fishing Realistic Crawfish 04.07.12 by David Coulson
Article: The Overlooked Realistic Crawfish 04.04.12 by Joshua Christensen
Recent Colorado Spotted Bass Photos by Fish Explorer Members
by Bound_4_Valhalla - by SGM - by SGM - 16.25 incher by led2zep - by dizzel - a typical spotted bass by nightangler - by CatWic - Caught these two on my first cast with both poles,  thats a first for me!  These pretty ladies went right back in the water, however another fisherman near me caught a much larger female and kept her. by Howie - Fall bass at Brush Hollow
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