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Colorado Fishing
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Colorado Fish Species

Arctic Char
Arctic Grayling
Bigmouth Buffalo
Black Bullhead
Black Crappie
Blue Catfish
Bluehead sucker
Bonytail Chub
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Channel Catfish
Colorado Pikeminnow
Colorado River Cutthroat
Common Carp
Creek Chub
Cutbow Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Emerald Shiner
Flannelmouth Sucker
Flathead Catfish
Flathead Chub
Freshwater Drum
Gizzard Shad
Golden Shiner
Golden Trout
Grass Carp
Green Sunfish
Greenback Cutthroat
Hybrid Striped Bass(wiper/palmetto)
Lake Chub
Lake Trout
Largemouth Bass
Longnose Sucker
Mountain Whitefish
Northern Pike
Orangespotted Sunfish
Rainbow Trout
Redear Sunfish
River Carpsucker
Roundtail Chub
Sacramento Perch
Smallmouth Bass
Snake River Cutthroat
Spottail Shiner
Spotted Bass
Striped Bass
Sunfish (Bream)
Tiger Muskie
Tiger Trout
White Bass
White Crappie
White Sucker
Yellow Bullhead
Yellow Perch
Yellowstone Cutthroat

Freshwater Drum
Freshwater drum are silver-gray in with a down facing mouth. They are deep bodied with a round tail. Except for color, they resemble the red drum. The fish is deep-bodied and equipped with a long dorsal fin divided into two sections. The dorsal fin usually has 10 spines and 29-32 rays. Freshwater drum are silvery in color and lack the distinctive tail fin spot of red drum.
Drum is endemic to North America and one of the wider ranging species.  They have a swim bladder which is able to produce sound and its use is thought to have to do with spawning.  The drum's otoliths are large and have been used for jewelry and luck charms.
Drum typically spawn in April or May and occurs in open water, where the eggs float until they hatch. They feed primarily on fish, crayfish, and immature insects. Their heavy throat-teeth also allow them to consume mollusks, also.  Primarily active at night, drum form large schools feeding shallow water. Although, considered a rough fish by many anglers, it has a succulent flesh.
Most Recent Freshwater Drum Forum Posts
Drum limit 09.14.15 by Kev-o
Drum fishing 05.21.15 by Ch00Chee
Looking for Jackson tips 03.26.15 by spicyhombre
Went for Wiper............but? 05.14.14 by chodeman
Freshwater Drum Populations 03.02.13 by MNBassFisher
Anyone eat Drum? 09.13.11 by c.c.cupcake
Fishing for DRUM. Any suggestions? 07.06.11 by bigfish101
Freshwater Drum Articles, Blogs, & Podcasts
Blog: Hot Carp Action 09.14.15 by David Coulson
Blog: Fishing North Sterling 08.31.15 by David Coulson
Blog: Fresh Water Drum 07.27.15 by David Coulson
Blog: Sweet Sixteen 05.17.15 by David Coulson
Blog: Fifteen, But Who’s Counting? – Oh, I Am! 10.17.14 by David Coulson
Blog: Multispecies Days Are Fun 05.07.13 by David Coulson
Blog: Boomerang Tool Co. Grip 11.07.12 by Joshua Christensen
Blog: Two new articles up 03.13.12 by David Coulson
Blog: 4 Apps Every Angler With A Smartphone Should Use 02.09.12 by Joshua Christensen
Recent Colorado Freshwater Drum Photos by Fish Explorer Members
by anglerwannabe - beautiful by anglerwannabe - trusty mann`s 1-minus by anglerwannabe - fun by Flyrodn - 22 inch Master Angler fish by Flyrodn - Drum took a foxee clouser by Flyrodn - Typical Sterling drum by Flyrodn - 15 inch Drum by Flyrodn - Cody with a nice 18 inch Prewitt Drum by Flyrodn - 20 inch drum by Tomky Fish Farms - Favorite fish by Flyrodn - Freshwater Drum falls to a brown/white clouser by gburciaga - Caught using nightcrawlers. by gburciaga - Caught using nightcrawlers. by gburciaga - Caught using worms. by HeavyC - 6-12-2009 Bonny Drum
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